

Synopsis: Main task.

Import tasks if enabled.


 2# tasks for vbotka.apache
 4- name: Import vars.yml
 5  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: vars.yml
 6  tags: [apache_vars, always]
 8- name: Import debug.yml
 9  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: debug.yml
10  when: apache_debug | bool
11  tags: apache_debug
13- name: Import packages.yml
14  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: packages.yml
15  when: apache_install | bool
16  tags: apache_packages
18- name: Import samples.yml
19  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: samples.yml
20  when: apache_samples | bool
21  tags: apache_samples
23- name: Import httpd.yml
24  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: httpd.yml
25  tags: apache_httpd
27- name: Import httpd-dirs.yml
28  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: httpd-dirs.yml
29  tags: apache_httpd_dirs
31- name: Import httpd-modules.yml
32  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: httpd-modules.yml
33  tags: apache_httpd_modules
35- name: Import httpd-alias.yml
36  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: httpd-alias.yml
37  tags: apache_httpd_alias
39- name: Import httpd-ssl.yml
40  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: httpd-ssl.yml
41  tags: apache_httpd_ssl
43- name: Import httpd-vhosts.yml
44  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: httpd-vhosts.yml
45  tags: apache_httpd_vhosts
47- name: Import httpd-confd.yml
48  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: httpd-confd.yml
49  tags: apache_httpd_confd
51- name: Import service.yml
52  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: service.yml
53  tags: apache_service
55# EOF


Synopsis: Include OS specific variables from the role’s directory vars.

OS specific default variables will be loaded from the files in the directories vars and vars/defaults. OS specific custom variables, that will override default values, can be loaded from the files in the directory vars.


2- name: "Vars: Include OS vars"  # noqa: var-naming[no-role-prefix]
3  ansible.builtin.include_role:
4    name: vbotka.ansible_lib
5    tasks_from: al_include_os_vars_path
6  vars:
7    al_os_vars_path: "{{ ansible_parent_role_paths.0 }}"
9# EOF

See also


  • Put OS specific variables here.

  • Because of the precedence (15.role vars), there are limited options to override these variables.



  • Put customized OS specific variables into the files in the dictionary vars/

  • Changes stored in the directory vars/defaults will be overwritten by an update of the role.


Synopsis: Configure debug.

Description of the task.


 2- name: Debug
 3  vars:
 4    msg: |-
 5      ansible_architecture: {{ ansible_architecture }}
 6      ansible_os_family: {{ ansible_os_family }}
 7      ansible_distribution: {{ ansible_distribution }}
 8      ansible_distribution_major_version: {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}
 9      ansible_distribution_version: {{ ansible_distribution_version }}
10      ansible_distribution_release: {{ ansible_distribution_release }}
11      ansible_python_version: {{ ansible_python_version }}
13      apache_install: {{ apache_install }}
14      apache_version: {{ apache_version }}
15      apache_packages:
16        {{ apache_packages | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
17      apache_enable: {{ apache_enable }}
18      apache_rcconf:
19        {{ apache_rcconf | to_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
20      apache_ssl: {{ apache_ssl }}
21      apache_sslengine: {{ apache_sslengine }}
22      apache_php: {{ apache_php }}
23      apache_backup_conf: {{ apache_backup_conf }}
24      apache_servername: {{ apache_servername }}
25      apache_serveradmin: {{ apache_serveradmin }}
26      apache_dir: {{ apache_dir }}
27      apache_service: {{ apache_service }}
28      apache_conf_path: {{ apache_conf_path }}
29      apache_httpd_conf:
30        {{ apache_httpd_conf | to_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
31      apache_httpd_conf_modules:
32        {{ apache_httpd_conf_modules | to_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
33      apache_httpd_conf_ssl:
34        {{ apache_httpd_conf_ssl | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
35      apache_httpd_conf_ssl_extra:
36        {{ apache_httpd_conf_ssl_extra | to_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
37      apache_httpd_conf_ssl_extra_absent:
38        {{ apache_httpd_conf_ssl_extra_absent | to_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
39      apache_vhost:
40        {{ apache_vhost | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
41      apache_directory_blocks:
42        {{ apache_directory_blocks | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
43      apache_alias:
44        {{ apache_alias | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
45      apache_confd_dir_vhosts: {{ apache_confd_dir_vhosts }}
46      apache_confd_dir_sections: {{ apache_confd_dir_sections }}
47      apache_samples: {{ apache_samples }}
48      apache_samples_list:
49        {{ apache_samples_list | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) | indent(2) }}
50  ansible.builtin.debug:
51    msg: "{{ '{}'.format(msg) }}"
53# EOF


Synopsis: Install packages for supported OS.



2- name: "Packages: Install FreeBSD packages"
3  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: packages-freebsd.yml
4  when: ansible_os_family == 'FreeBSD'
6# EOF

See also

  • <TBD>


Synopsis: <TBD>



 2- name: "Packages: Install packages"
 3  community.general.pkgng:
 4    name: "{{ apache_packages }}"
 5  register: result
 6  until: result is succeeded
 7  retries: "{{ freebsd_install_retries }}"
 8  delay: "{{ freebsd_install_delay }}"
 9  when: freebsd_install_method == 'packages'
11- name: "Packages: Debug install packages"
12  ansible.builtin.debug:
13    var: result
14  when: apache_debug | bool
16- name: "Packages: Install ports"
17  community.general.portinstall:
18    name: "{{ item }}"
19    use_packages: "{{ freebsd_use_packages | d(true) }}"
20  loop: "{{ apache_packages }}"
21  register: result
22  until: result is succeeded
23  retries: "{{ freebsd_install_retries }}"
24  delay: "{{ freebsd_install_delay }}"
25  when: freebsd_install_method == 'ports'
27- name: "Packages: Debug install ports"
28  ansible.builtin.debug:
29    var: result
30  when: apache_debug | bool
32# EOF

See also

  • <TBD>


Synopsis: <TBD>



 2- name: "Samples: Copy sample files"
 3  ansible.builtin.copy:
 4    remote_src: true
 5    src: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/{{ item }}.sample"
 6    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/{{ item }}"
 7    mode: preserve
 8  loop: "{{ apache_samples_list }}"
10# EOF

See also

  • <TBD>


Synopsis: Configure lines in httpd.conf

Iterate the list apache_httpd_conf (9) and add lines to the configuration file (5).


 2- name: "Httpd_conf: Configure parameters in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/httpd.conf' }}"
 3  ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
 4    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/httpd.conf"
 5    regexp: ^{{ item.regexp }}\s+(.*)$
 6    line: "{{ item.regexp }} {{ item.line }}"
 7    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
 8  loop: "{{ apache_httpd_conf }}"
 9  notify: Reload apache
11# EOF

See also


Synopsis: Create files with the directory blocks in the Includes directory.

Iterate the list apache_directory_blocks (10) and create configuration files in the directory (5).


 2- name: "Httpd-dirs: Configure directories in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/Includes/' }}"
 3  ansible.builtin.template:
 4    src: directory-block.j2
 5    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/Includes/{{ item.Includefile }}"
 6    owner: root
 7    group: www
 8    mode: "0644"
 9    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
10  loop: "{{ apache_directory_blocks }}"
11  loop_control:
12    label: "{{ item.Directory }}"
13  notify: Reload apache
15# EOF

See also


Synopsis: Load Apache modules. Optionally configure PHP module. (TODO: General configuration of modules.)

Iterate apache_httpd_conf_modules (9). When item.preset (11) insert line LoadModule ... (6) to httpd.conf (4). Iterate apache_httpd_conf_modules (20). When not item.preset (22) comment line # LoadModule ... (17) in httpd.conf (15). Configure PHP (28-36) in Includes/php.conf when apache_php is enabled (43).


 2- name: "Httpd-modules: Load modules in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/httpd.conf' }}"
 3  ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
 4    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/httpd.conf"
 5    regexp: ^\s*#*\s*LoadModule {{ item.module }}
 6    line: "    LoadModule {{ item.module }} libexec/{{ apache_dir }}/{{ item.mod }}"
 7    insertbefore: LoadModule
 8    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
 9  loop: "{{ apache_httpd_conf_modules }}"
10  notify: Restart apache
11  when: item.present | d(true)
13- name: "Httpd-modules: Unload modules in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/httpd.conf' }}"
14  ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
15    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/httpd.conf"
16    regexp: ^\s*#*\s*LoadModule {{ item.module }}
17    line: "    # LoadModule {{ item.module }}"
18    insertbefore: LoadModule
19    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
20  loop: "{{ apache_httpd_conf_modules }}"
21  notify: Restart apache
22  when: not item.present | d(true)
24- name: "Httpd-modules: Config PHP in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/Includes/php.conf' }}"
25  ansible.builtin.blockinfile:
26    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/Includes/php.conf"
27    block: |
28      <IfModule dir_module>
29        DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
30      </IfModule>
31      <FilesMatch "\.php$">
32        SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
33      </FilesMatch>
34      <FilesMatch "\.phps$">
35        SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source
36      </FilesMatch>
37    owner: root
38    group: www
39    mode: "0640"
40    create: true
41    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
42  notify: Restart apache
43  when: apache_php | bool
45# EOF

See also


Synopsis: Configure aliases in httpd.conf

When not an empty list (12) iterate apache_alias (7-9) and update blocks in the configuration file (4).


 2- name: "Httpd-alias: Configure aliases in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/httpd.conf' }}"
 3  ansible.builtin.blockinfile:
 4    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/httpd.conf"
 5    insertafter: <IfModule alias_module>
 6    block: |2
 7        {% for item in apache_alias %}
 8        {{ item }}
 9        {% endfor %}
10    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
11  notify: Reload apache
12  when: apache_alias | length > 0
14# EOF

See also


Synopsis: Configure SSL in extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Iterate apache_httpd_conf_ssl_extra (10) and configure lines in extra/httpd-ssl.conf. Iterate apache_httpd_conf_ssl_extra_absent (19) and remove lines from extra/httpd-ssl.conf. Iterate apache_httpd_conf_ssl_listen (27) and add configuration lines in extra/httpd-ssl.conf). Iterate apache_httpd_conf_ssl (35) and configure lines in httpd.conf.


 2- name: "Httpd-ssl: Configure {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/extra/httpd-ssl.conf' }}"
 3  when: apache_ssl | bool
 4  block:
 6    - name: "Httpd-ssl: Present extra lines in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/extra/httpd-ssl.conf' }}"
 7      ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
 8        dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/extra/httpd-ssl.conf"
 9        regexp: ^{{ item.regexp }}
10        line: "{{ item.regexp }}{{ item.line }}"
11        # TODO: Remove trailing spaces from the attribute regexp
12        # regexp: ^{{ item.regexp }}\s+(.*)$
13        # line: "{{ item.regexp }} {{ item.line }}"
14        backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
15      loop: "{{ apache_httpd_conf_ssl_extra }}"
16      notify: Reload apache
18    - name: "Httpd-ssl: Absent extra lines in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/extra/httpd-ssl.conf' }}"
19      ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
20        state: absent
21        dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/extra/httpd-ssl.conf"
22        regexp: "{{ item }}"
23        backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
24      loop: "{{ apache_httpd_conf_ssl_extra_absent }}"
25      notify: Reload apache
27    - name: "Httpd-ssl: SSL Listen in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/extra/httpd-ssl.conf' }}"
28      ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
29        dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/extra/httpd-ssl.conf"
30        line: "{{ item }}"
31        backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
32      loop: "{{ apache_httpd_conf_ssl_listen }}"
33      notify: Reload apache
35    - name: "Httpd-ssl: SSL in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/httpd.conf' }}"
36      ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
37        dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/httpd.conf"
38        line: "{{ item }}"
39        backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
40      loop: "{{ apache_httpd_conf_ssl }}"
41      notify: Reload apache
43# EOF


Synopsis: Configure virtual hosts in extra directory.

Loop the dictionary apache_vhost (10,23,35) and optionally (13) create directories DocumentRoot (5,6). Create configuration files with the Apache virtual hosts (18). See the template vhost.j2 (17). Include created files (32) in the configuration file (30).


 2- name: "Httpd-vhosts: Create directories for virtual hosts"
 3  ansible.builtin.file:
 4    state: directory
 5    path: "{{ item.DocumentRoot }}"
 6    owner: "{{ apache_data_owner }}"
 7    group: "{{ apache_data_group }}"
 8    mode: "{{ apache_dir_mode }}"
 9  loop: "{{ apache_vhost }}"
10  loop_control:
11    label: "{{ item.ServerName }}"
12  when: item.create_document_root | d(false)
14- name: "Httpd-vhosts: Configure virtual hosts in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/extra/' }}"
15  ansible.builtin.template:
16    src: vhost.j2
17    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/extra/{{ item.ServerName }}.conf"
18    owner: "{{ apache_data_owner }}"
19    group: "{{ apache_data_group }}"
20    mode: "{{ apache_data_mode }}"
21    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
22  loop: "{{ apache_vhost }}"
23  loop_control:
24    label: "{{ item.ServerName }}"
25  notify: Reload apache
27- name: "Httpd-vhosts: Incl virtual hosts in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/httpd.conf' }}"
28  ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
29    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/httpd.conf"
30    regexp: ^Include etc/apache{{ apache_version }}/extra/{{ item.ServerName }}.conf
31    line: Include etc/apache{{ apache_version }}/extra/{{ item.ServerName }}.conf
32    insertbefore: BOF
33    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
34  loop: "{{ apache_vhost }}"
35  loop_control:
36    label: "{{ item.ServerName }}"
37  notify: Reload apache
39# EOF

See also


Synopsis: Configure virtual hosts.

Configure virtual hosts (2) and configuration sections of the directories (6).


 2- name: "Httpd-confd: Configure virtual hosts from {{ apache_confd_dir_vhosts }}"
 3  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: httpd-confd-vhosts.yml
 4  tags: apache_httpd_confd_vhosts
 6- name: "Httpd-confd: Configure includes from {{ apache_confd_dir_sections }}"
 7  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: httpd-confd-includes.yml
 8  tags: apache_httpd_confd_includes
10# EOF

See also

  • httpd-confd-vhosts.yml and httpd-confd-includes.yml


Synopsis: Configure virtual hosts. Create files.

Use the filter encode_apache to configure virtual hosts. See the template vhost2.j2. Take the YAML configuration files from the directory apache_confd_dir_vhosts (6) at master and create files with the Apache virtual hosts in the directory (31) at the remote host. The created files will be included in the configuration file (41).

Include data from conf.d (2-16)

Include tasks from the file al_include_confd_vars_list (11) in the role vbotka.ansible_lib (12). This task takes as parameters the directory with the YAML configuration files (6) and the type of the list (7), and returns the list with the YAML configurations of the virtual hosts stored in the variable al_include_confd_vars_list. The variable can be printed (15) when debug is enabled apache_debug: true (16). The parameters (6,7) are tested inside the included tasks.

Create directories for virtual hosts (24-26)

Include tasks from fn/httpd-confd-vhost-dirs.yml .

Configure virtual hosts in extra directory (28-37)

Create the Apache configuration files for the virtual hosts with the help of encode_apache filter. Store the configuration file (31).

Include virtual hosts in httpd.conf (39-47)

Include virtual hosts in httpd.conf.


 2- name: "Httpd-confd-vhosts: Include variables from {{ apache_confd_dir_vhosts }}"
 3  block:
 4    - name: "Httpd-confd-vhosts: Set variables for al_include_confd_vars_list"
 5      ansible.builtin.set_fact:
 6        al_include_confd_dir: "{{ apache_confd_dir_vhosts }}"
 7        al_include_confd_vars_list_type: fname
 8    - name: "Httpd-confd-vhosts: Include al_include_confd_vars_list"
 9      ansible.builtin.include_role:
10        name: vbotka.ansible_lib
11        tasks_from: al_include_confd_vars_list
12    - name: "Httpd-confd-vhosts: Debug al_include_confd_vars_list"
13      ansible.builtin.debug:
14        var: item
15      loop: "{{ al_include_confd_vars_list }}"
16      when: apache_debug | bool
18- name: "Httpd-confd-vhosts: Debug list directories for virtual hosts"
19  ansible.builtin.debug:
20    msg: "{{ item | json_query('[].content[].sections[].content[].options[].DocumentRoot') }}"
21  loop: "{{ al_include_confd_vars_list | json_query('[].vars') }}"
22  when: apache_debug | bool
24- name: "Httpd-confd-vhosts: Create directories for virtual hosts"
25  ansible.builtin.include_tasks: fn/httpd-confd-vhost-dirs.yml
26  loop: "{{ al_include_confd_vars_list | json_query('[].vars') }}"
28- name: "Httpd-confd-vhosts: Configure virtual hosts in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/extra/' }}"
29  ansible.builtin.template:
30    src: vhost2.j2
31    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/extra/{{ item.fname }}.conf"
32    owner: "{{ apache_data_owner }}"
33    group: "{{ apache_data_group }}"
34    mode: "{{ apache_data_mode }}"
35    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
36  loop: "{{ al_include_confd_vars_list }}"
37  notify: Reload apache
39- name: "Httpd-confd-vhosts: Incl virtual hosts in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/httpd.conf' }}"
40  ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
41    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/httpd.conf"
42    regexp: ^Include etc/apache{{ apache_version }}/extra/{{ item.fname }}.conf
43    line: Include etc/apache{{ apache_version }}/extra/{{ item.fname }}.conf
44    insertbefore: BOF
45    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
46  loop: "{{ al_include_confd_vars_list }}"
47  notify: Reload apache
49# EOF

See also


Synopsis: Create DocumentRoot directories for vhosts.



 2- name: "Httpd-confd-vhost-dirs: Create directories for virtual hosts"
 3  ansible.builtin.file:
 4    state: directory
 5    path: "{{ vhost_dir }}"
 6    owner: "{{ apache_data_owner }}"
 7    group: "{{ apache_data_group }}"
 8    mode: "{{ apache_dir_mode }}"
 9  loop: "{{ item | json_query('[].content[].sections[].content[].options[].DocumentRoot') }}"
10  loop_control:
11    loop_var: vhost_dir
13# EOF

See also

  • <TBD>


Synopsis: Configure sections using the filter encode_apache.

Take the YAML configuration files from the directory apache_confd_dir_sections (6) at master and create the configuration files (23) at the remote host. The created configuration files are included in the configuration file httpd.conf by default. For example,

shell> grep Includes /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf
Include etc/apache24/Includes/*.conf

Include data from conf.d (2-18)

Include tasks from the file al_include_confd_vars_list (12) in the role vbotka.ansible_lib (11). This task takes as parameters the directory of the YAML configuration files (6) and the type of the list (7), and returns the list with the YAML configurations of the sections stored in the variable al_include_confd_vars_list. The parameters (6,7) are tested inside the included tasks.

Configure sections in Includes directory (20-29)

Use the filter encode_apache to create the configuration files (23) for the sections. See the template section2.j2.


 2- name: Include sections from apache_confd_dir_sections
 3  block:
 4    - name: "Httpd-confd-includes: Set variables for al_include_confd_vars_list"
 5      ansible.builtin.set_fact:
 6        al_include_confd_dir: "{{ apache_confd_dir_sections }}"
 7        al_include_confd_vars_list_type: fname
 9    - name: "Httpd-confd-includes: Include al_include_confd_vars_list"
10      ansible.builtin.include_role:
11        name: vbotka.ansible_lib
12        tasks_from: al_include_confd_vars_list
14    - name: "Httpd-confd-includes: Debug al_include_confd_vars_list"
15      ansible.builtin.debug:
16        var: item
17      loop: "{{ al_include_confd_vars_list }}"
18      when: apache_debug | bool
20- name: "Httpd-confd-includes: Configure sections in {{ apache_conf_path ~ '/Includes/' }}"
21  ansible.builtin.template:
22    src: section2.j2
23    dest: "{{ apache_conf_path }}/Includes/{{ item.fname }}.conf"
24    owner: "{{ apache_data_owner }}"
25    group: "{{ apache_data_group }}"
26    mode: "{{ apache_data_mode }}"
27    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
28  loop: "{{ al_include_confd_vars_list }}"
29  notify: Reload apache
31# EOF

See also


Synopsis: Configure service.

At the moment, only configuration of FreeBSD is implemented (3).


2- name: "Service: Config FreeBSD"
3  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: rcconf.yml
4  when: ansible_os_family == 'FreeBSD'
6# EOF

See also

  • rcconf.yml


Synopsis: Configure service in FreeBSD.

Configure (3), enable (12) or disable (21) the service.


 2- name: "Rc_conf: configure /etc/rc.conf"
 3  ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
 4    dest: /etc/rc.conf
 5    regexp: ^\s*{{ item.key }}\s*=(.*)$
 6    line: '{{ item.key }}="{{ item.value }}"'
 7    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
 8  loop: "{{ apache_rcconf }}"
 9  notify: Graceful apache
11- name: "Rc_conf: Enable and Start Apache"
12  ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
13    dest: /etc/rc.conf
14    regexp: ^\s*{{ apache_service }}_enable\s*=(.*)$
15    line: '{{ apache_service }}_enable="YES"'
16    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
17  notify: Enable and start apache
18  when: apache_enable | bool
20- name: "Rc_conf: Disable and Stop Apache"
21  ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
22    dest: /etc/rc.conf
23    regexp: ^\s*{{ apache_service }}_enable\s*=(.*)$
24    line: '{{ apache_service }}_enable="NO"'
25    backup: "{{ apache_backup_conf }}"
26  notify: Disable and stop apache
27  when: not apache_enable | bool
29# EOF

See also

  • <TBD>